Katz Television Group Insights

America Tunes In 2024: Local News is Still Viewers First Choice

Written by Michael Steinberg | Jun 4, 2024 3:14:45 PM

Local NEWS Dominates Cable News Networks!

By Michael Steinberg | VP, TV Insights & Analytics | Katz Media Group

Local news continues to out deliver cable news networks by a wide margin. In February 2024, local late news programs delivered 13.5 million households and 16.0 million Adults 35+, over five times more audience than the combined number of the top five cable networks deliver throughout the day.

Local early news held a similar advantage with an average of 13.5 million households and 15.7 million Adults 35+ compared to cable's top 5 combined average daily delivery of 2,419 households and 2,733 Adults 35+.

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LOCAL NEWS Accounts for 80% or More Viewership! 

The combination of local early and late newscasts on Broadcast accounts for 80% of HH and Adult 35+ news viewing, when compared to cable news primetime on the top 5 nets.  In other words, cable news is only accounting for 20%. Additionally, for Adults 25-54, local early/late news accounts for 88% of News viewing.

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Head-to-Head, the Choice is Clear: LOCAL NEWS Dominates Cable Network News! 

A comparison of local news and cable network news from Mon-Fri 5-8PM hours reveals 88% of Adults 25-54 news viewers choose to watch local news. 78% of Adults 35+ news viewers are watching local news. In addition, local news delivers 7x the households of its closest cable news competitor.

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A Matter of Trust 

Viewers trust their local news more than cable network news. A NEW Katz survey of Adults 18+ found that 73% trust their local news compared to 55% for cable network news.



LOCAL NEWS: What Viewers Watch, What Viewers Trust